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Projects Introduction

Projects Introduction

We have achieved 17 projects in the latest three years, among which are 3 projects at provincial level, 3 municipal science and technology projects and 11 independent projects.


Provincial Level Projects
1.Technical envoy workstation of Guangdong Rongda Biology CO.,Ltd.
2.Preclinical study on new veterinary Chinese traditional medicines which can prevent and cure pig diarrhoea. 
3.Guangdong innovation based pilot enterprise.

Municipal Projects
1.Industrialization of QH105 dry duspension
2.Further researches on the process of colistin sulfate biological fermentation.
3.R&D on QH106 biological fermentation

Production-study-research projects
1.Researches on bacteria construction of antimicrobial peptides and their new products.
2.Further researches on the process of colistin sulfate biological fermentation.
3.R&D on new medicine of YH
4.R&D on new medicine of YZ
5.Preclinical study on new veterinary Chinese traditional medicines which can prevent and cure pig diarrhoea.


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